European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation (ERIG a.i.s.b.l.) is an European research and development organisation with the objective to guide gas in the transition process towards a future renewable based energy system. It is a non-profit association for European cooperation in research and innovation in the field of sustainable and innovative gas technologies and the use of natural gas with renewable energies.

Latest Events

Review to EGATEC 2024 – June 18th-19th in Hamburg

We look back to a great EGATEC2024, held from June, 18th to 19th, 2024, in Hamburg at the Atlantic Hotel, organized by MARCOGAZ and GERG – European Gas Research Group, supported by ERIG – European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation AISBL, and hosted by DVGW (German Technical and Scientific

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Latest News

DelHyVEHR homepage is online

DelHyVEHR homepage is online The brand new homepage for the DelHyVEHR project, designed by ERIG, is now live! Visit us at to stay updated on all project activities and explore our latest results.  The DelHyVEHR project (Delivery of Liquid Hydrogen for Various Environments at High Rate) is pioneering the

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About ERIG

European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation (ERIG a.i.s.b.l.) is an European research and development organisation. It pursues the vision to foster the role of gas and innovative gas technologies in the future energy system in synergy with the intermittent renewable energy production as an European network based on research.


One of the main objectives of ERIG is to promote European research on gas and energy innovation. Since the founding of the association ERIG is now acting partner in several European research projects in a wide range of topics and levels of detail, all of which are highly relevant for the role of gas in the energy transition.


Here you can find all the reports, deliverables, articles, studies and brochures generated throughout the projects and all the results of the research for you to read and download. Public content and research results from our partners in our European projects are presented in this section and are at your disposal.